Tuesday, September 18, 2018


 How to use Aloe vera  

     Aloe vera consumption - Many types of beauty products are used to keep your face free of stains, pimples, nails away from acne, fair and beautiful, while some home remedies and remedies are also used by us. Can beautifully make four moons. Make your face unblemished and attractive.

    You can make your skin blonde and healthy by putting the aloe vera gel on your face. Its advantages are many and the way to apply it is also very easy.

   Eating aloe vera ends all the problems related to the stomach. It also works as a panacea for hair. Along with this you can act as nectar in order to provide your face with unimaginable beauty.

Let us know how to consume aloe vera so that the results get better.

Antioxidant content is also present in the Elovera rich in anti-aging properties, which is very helpful in removing wrinkles from your face. With the regular use of Aloe vera gel you can look young and beautiful for a long time.

 Aloe vera works as a natural skin moisturizer for your skin. Applying it on the skin gives moisture in the skin and also nourishes the skin. If you do not have any allergies, you can use the Aloe vera gel on any type of skin type.

If you want to enhance your skin, then using Aloe vera gel is the best gift of nature. It is very helpful to clean dust, dead skin and dirt from your face. This starts to glow your skin and looks attractive.

 Aloe vera gel is very effective in repairing injury or injury marks or small cuts.

The work of panacea is to make torn ugly ankles to make the aloe vera gel soft and beautiful.

Aloe vera gel is very effective in making the lips soft and rosewood.

 Elovera works as a panacea for making the face pimple free and unblemished.

Aloe vera gel is very good for removing makeup from face. This does not cause any damage to the skin.

Aloe vera gel is also very helpful in removing stretch marks of the body. For this it is beneficial to use rose water in Aloe vera jail.

How to Use Aloe vera gel -

 If there is acne marks on the face or there are sesame marks, then apply the aloe vera gel in the juice of the neem tree for them, apply all the stains will be erased.

To keep the face shiny, mix 1 teaspoon honey, 1 teaspoon milk and a little rose water and mix it with turmeric mixed with the water and add aloe vera gel to it and apply it on the face wash with clean water.

 Apply the aloe vera gel with celery, basil leaves and honey to make the face white and apply on the face.

 To wipe the skin out of the skin, grind lemon peel and place the aloe vera gel on the face.

To clean the rashes and stains from the skin, by applying tomatoes in the aloe vera gel, this pack is of great benefit.

 To get rid of oily skin, mix the gram flour in the aloe vera gel and add turmeric powder to it and apply it to the face and apply it on the face. Wash with clean water after drying.
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